Subaru and the Seven Sisters

December 16, 2022



The Subaru logo appears in my life every day, because I am now driving the fifth one I have owned. Subaru vehicles represent both quality and modern technology. One of the reasons I like Subarus, is that this brand represents what I perceive as a positive feature of the Japanese culture and they have been able to maintain an excellent reputation for many decades.

When I see the Subaru logo, I see an interesting star cluster that looks similar to the one I see in the night sky. Astronomy fascinates me. The star group Pleiades, also known as the seven sisters, is composed of seven stars, but only six can be seen to the naked eye.

The name and the logo come from the Japanese word ''unite'' and the logo represents the coming together of the star group Pleiades. The Subaru logo represents the joining of forces to produce superior products. This tells me that Japanese industrialists knew that to excel in whatever they did, they must work together and that the result will be greater than individual efforts. From my viewpoint as an American consumer, and from what I have seen portrayed as Japanese business ethics, this should make Subaru's high-level management proud.

My very limited knowledge of Japanese culture forces me to use my own assumptions to infer the meaning of the logo. I must recognize that some, or all, of my assumptions may be in error.
